As unreal and unsettling events unfold around the globe, I continually strive to stay calm and mindful, and perhaps you do, too. This blog is where I – and a community of likeminded seekers – ponder deeply what underlies the crises of our times and those throughout history. We have been meeting since early 2011 in a forum called cReative asyLum. We are a consortium of mostly artists who are writers, musicians, actors, medical professionals and visual artists.
Like cReative asyLum, our blog is a place to connect to the wisdom of the past, a place for truthfulness, curiosity, compassion. For more on who we are and what we do, please go to our community Facebook page:
We invite you to join us. Our goals are:
• To adopt a psychosocial perspective for probing our challenging times.
• To focus on the psychological source of evil and violence.
• To ask questions that may not have answers.
• To let our questions generate as many questions as needed until we reach insight.
• To discuss alternative, less polarizing modes of thought and action.
• To enjoy the perusal…